Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Stranded Deep

My reflection

We have been learning about Narratives . My Narrative is about some people that have been stranded deep in the ocean on this island. I found this easy because I already knew what my story is about. My next step is to try use better Metaphors.

World Of Tan

My reflection

We have been learning to use problem solving skills to solve tangram puzzles 
I found this easy because I tried hard so solve it. I had to use resilience to stick with this 
and solve the puzzle.  My next step is to use different strategies.

Friday, 2 November 2018

My Korowai

My reflection

This is my korowai.  It was really fun we got to glue, Dye, plait and sew. 
My favourite part of making my korowai  was sewing.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Holes Making A Prediction

My Reflection

I am learning to make a prediction based on the cover and the blurb.
I was able to Find what was in common. I found this hard because I could not get it fast
My next step is to do more keywords.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Kelly Taltons Trip

On Friday we went to Kelly Taltons 
and I learnt that In Fiji there is lots of 
rubbish in the rivers.And also learnt
that sand tiger sharks were being hunted
for no reason at all. I saw a Megalodon tooth
on a stand.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Finding Fractions Of A Set

My reflection

I have been learning about finding fractions of a set. I was able to get all the answers quickly.  I found this easy because I know the method.  My next step is to try use different methods to work it out.

Monday, 17 September 2018

100 Word Challenge

My reflection

This is my 100 word challenge.  I was able to come up with my story pretty quickly.
I found this easy because I came up with my story fast. My next step is to use more better 

Friday, 7 September 2018

Challenges Of Living On Mars

My reflection

I have been learning about Mars.  This  is challenges of living on mars .  It was challenging  but got it. My next step is to do more.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

All About Mars Cloze challenge

My reflection

I have been learning about mars.  This is my cloze challenge.  I was able to get the firs ones but then it got hard.I found this hard because I was confused.  My next step is to look harder

Monday, 2 July 2018

Learning To Find the Area And Perimeter of Shapes

My reflection

I have been learning to find the area and perimeter  of shapes. The area of a shape is how much it covers. The perimeter of a shape is the outline of it. I found this easy because I know my measurement. My next step is to use bigger shapes. 

Wonder Poster

My reflection

This is my wonder poster. I chose this saying because I like it 

Grammar And Vocabulary Part 5

Friday, 15 June 2018

Decimals, Fractions And Percentages

My reflection

I was learning to Convert fractions into decimals and percentages.  I had to convert fractions into decimals and percentages . I thought it 5% was 0.75 because I got confused. I chose to shire my learning by Putting it on my blog.  I thought was easy because it looked easy but it was a bit hard.  My next step is to Use wholes in my work

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Cause And Effect Wonder Part 4

My reflection 

I have been learning to understand the cause and affects of events in a text. In the novel wonder, there are lots of things that happen which causes affects ( the outcome of an event 

or action by one of the characters ) I found this easy because the book helped me. My next step is to understand the purpose of the characters in the story.

Monday, 11 June 2018

Character purpose Venn diagram

My reflection 

I have been learning to relate to the characters in the text to understand their purpose. I chose My friend Jude to compare to Jack Wills . Some characteristics they have in common are They like star wars, they are good friends and and they are kind. 
They are different because Jude is fast and Jack will is slower. This was an interesting activity to help me understand Jack Wills purpose as a character.  My next step is to compare more characters to people I know to give me a deeper understanding of the story.

Friday, 8 June 2018

Features Of Explantion Writing

 My reflection

I have been learning the features of explanation writing.  The features are a title, intro and  a conclusion. I found this easy because I have experience in explanation writing. My next step is to write my own explanation using the features. 

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Sets Of Fractions

My reflection 

I have been learning sets of  fractions.  I found this easy because I practise my fractions at home. My next step is to find percentages of numbers.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Cause And Affects - Wonder

My reflection 

I have been learning to understand the cause and affects of events in a text. In the novel wonder, there are lots of things that happen which causes affects ( the outcome of an event 
or action by one of the characters ) I found this easy because the book helped me. My next step is to understand the purpose of the characters in the story.

Features Of Explanation Writing

My Reflection 

I have been learning the features of explanation writing.  The features of an explanation text are Title, connectives, written in the right text, introduction, End. I found this hard because I had trouble with the lines. My next step is to write my own explanation using the features.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Making A Justified Prediction

 My reflection 

I have been learning to make a justified prediction of a book .A justified prediction is a prediction but you have a reason.  I found it hard to make a justified prediction because I had not so much experience in it. My next step is to compare visual info with blurb title and contents  to justify my prediction

Friday, 4 May 2018

The K Sound

My reflection 

I have been learning to recognise the different ways of spelling the K sound in words.
I was surprised that  there was so many ways of spelling "c" Now I know how to use c accurately. This will help me in my spelling because I needed to work on it.
My next step is to help me spell accurately. 

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Highlights Of Term 1

This is my Adobe spark video about the highlights of term 1 for me.
I hope you enjoy watching it.

Monday, 26 March 2018

Cyber safety presentation

Here is a slide that I made with Luke it is about being cyber safe.

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Features Of A Non-fiction Text

My reflection

I have been learning to identify features in a non-fiction text.
I found this easy because I read Lots of non fiction texts. Mynext step is to Use these feasters to under stand non-fiction texts better.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Statistical Inquiry Cycle

My reflection

I am learning to conduct a simple statistical  Inquiry.  I investigated what room 24's favourite animal was.  In discovered that room 24's favourite animal was a kiwi.  I was surprised that only 3 people voted for Anaconda.  My next step is to use a table in google sheets to display the data. 

Friday, 16 February 2018

My Kennings Poem

My reflection I have been learning to write a kenning poem. A kenning poem is like a riddle. It describes something without saying what it is.It is about me.I found it easy because i had it in my book. My next step is to use More descriptive words.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Parts of a graph

My reflection 

I have been learning about different parts of a graphs.  I learnt that title data labels and scales are the most important parts .  I found this easy because I already know graphs.  
My next step is to create  my own graph by collecting data.

Monday, 5 February 2018

My Welcome Post 2018

Welcome to my year 5 learning blog.  This  year I am in  room 24 and my teacher is Mrs Melville.  I enjoy Sports and Math.  A goal I have this year is to become a Digikid this year.
I hope you enjoy my blog and leave lots of Feedback.